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Government Relations
Access: Celebrating the Service of Mayor Keith Summey

After 29 years of serving North Charleston, Mayor Keith Summey is stepping away from his office at city hall, but not before he is celebrated for his devotion to the city.

During the Chamber’s Access series, members and non-members have the opportunity to connect with local elected officials, hear about the issues they are focused on and ask questions about the future of the region. The agenda was a little different for the most recent Access event, affectionately named “The Summey Farewell Tour”. Instead of focusing on regional policies or what projects are in the pipeline, the Chamber’s boardroom was filled with people sharing their appreciation for the work and progress Mayor Summey has led for nearly three decades.

The standing room only crowd heard from Dr. Jeffrey DiLisi, President and CEO of Roper St. Francis Healthcare; Pearce Fleming, Owner of Commonhouse Aleworks; Elliott Summey, Executive Director and CEO of Charleston County Aviation Authority; Lindsay Leonard, Senior Director of Boeing National Strategy and Engagement; and Bryan Derreberry; President and CEO of the Charleston Metro Chamber. A common thread through each of their messages was the impact that Mayor Summey has made on business coming to, growing and staying in North Charleston.

“As we move our main hospital into North Charleston, it wouldn’t have happened without all of his (Summey) partnership.

Dr. Jeffrey DiLisi

“I have known from day one how lucky I was to have Mayor Summey as someone I could call for advice, help or just his insights into the area. It is not an understatement that without Mayor Summey I don’t believe Boeing or I would have been as successful as I hope we’ve been.”

Lindsay Leonard

“Whether it’s a multi-billion-dollar business like Boeing or a small, little investment in one corner of Park Circle, in one small area of North Charleston, he was there to help.”

Pearce Fleming

“Ten of thousands of jobs…because of Keith Summey. That’s special to me because I’m his son and happen to be the CEO of one of the larger employers in Charleston County, but it’s even more special because he’s my Dad.”

Elliott Summey

“Your vision of a welcoming and inclusive city is a driving factor in changing North Charleston’s quality of place.”

Bryan Derreberry

To close out the celebration, Mayor Summey reflected on his life, his family and his time in office. In highlighting his years in service, Mayor Summey spoke of the love and support of his wife, Deborah through their nearly 54 years of marriage. “In every person’s life, it takes someone to motivate them. Debbie has been that motivation for me. Maybe not always wanted but was always there,” he said with a smile. When addressing his reasons for not running for re-election, Summey referred to his grandchildren, who were in attendance, along with his wife and children. “The main reason I’m retiring, the next four years, I wouldn’t get to spend time with my grandchildren… I didn’t get a chance to spend time with my grandfather. I want them to remember their grandfather.”

Mayor Summey closed by speaking on how important his staff has been to this mission over the years and that when people can get past the point of saying “me” or “I” and focus on “WE”, then progress can be made. “We may not always agree, but you can’t make the disagreement make you disagreeable. You have to work beyond that and come together for what is good for those you’ve represented…it takes a team to make it work.”

Mayor Summey was presented with a commemorative clock, with an inscription thanking him for his years of partnership with the Chamber.

Members of the City of North Charleston were in attendance and compiled a video highlighting the evening’s events.

Posted on
June 6th 2023
Written by
Justin Allen