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Find Your Why, Then Execute

Written by Melantha Ardrey, College of Charleston

The Charleston Metro Chamber of Commerce Leadership Development cohort welcomed Christina Lock, CEO of Catch Talent, to our morning session on October 12. Ms. Lock was an engaging speaker who shared insight on starting her own company, how to engage employees through the recruiting and interview process, and how to develop our own brand. Catch Talent was launched in 2015 after hard work and sacrifice. As a result, she has a highly successful business and is making a long-lasting impact in the community.

Ms. Lock’s resume is impressive. She graduated from Appalachian State University, spent three years in corporate HR with a Fortune 500, and worked for a start-up before launching Catch Talent. She’s won numerous awards and is involved in the community and the Chamber. Her company, Catch Talent, delivers end-to-end talent acquisition solutions to growing technology, digital media, and professional services companies.  They work with both local and national clients. Catch Talent is a high-

Ms. Lock’s passion and positivity were obvious from the outset. She engaged our cohort in conversation and discussion and walked us through her journey to founding Catch Talent. We discussed finding our why, our personal brand, and best practices for interviewing techniques.

The concept of finding your why was first introduced by Simon Sinek. This is a critical asset because it informs the how and what of your organization and actions. Ms. Lock spoke about developing her team and the importance of staying focused on your why, especially during difficult circumstances.  

The discussion of personal branding was particularly interesting. We participated in an exercise to help us determine our personal values, which is important to building a personal brand and helps us align with organizations that share those same values.

Employer branding is also critical. Social media, along with the workforce changes brought about by the pandemic, have significantly impacted the way we talk about our businesses, interview people, and present our mission and culture. Ms. Lock talked about the benefits of behavioral interview questions and motivational fit questions, to ensure that both candidate and employer are finding the right match.

This session had a profound impact on me. Hearing from a successful female business owner is always encouraging, but to hear from someone who is so knowledgeable and willing to help others was truly an inspiration. She really does care about making a positive impact through her work and her volunteer roles within the community. I really appreciated her comments on relationship building, networking and connection, and how workplace relationships translate to retention. Whether we are job searching or hiring, these are important concepts to keep in mind. At the end of the day, it’s about meaningful relationship building, connection to others, and making an impact on the world around you. It’s safe to say this conversation resonated with us all, and I am personally grateful to have met Christina Lock.

Posted on
October 20th 2022
Written by
Jaimee Salone