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Career & Education Coalition Aims to Connect Education and Business Partners to Improve Talent Pipelines

September 14 will mark the kickoff of the Career & Education Coalition, formerly known as the Regional Advisory Board, as business and education partners will come together to help ensure a consistent flow of qualified talent powering various industries in the Charleston region.

The Chamber’s Talent Team focuses its efforts on ensuring workforce skills match the needs of employers in the metro area. The Career and Education Coalition is just one of the many outlets being utilized in these efforts. Olivia Vernon, Talent Program Manager, said, “We are thrilled to be relaunching the Career & Education Coalition in concert with the start of the 2023–2024 academic year. We have a unique opportunity to bring together our education systems and business partners to build strong and sustainable talent pipelines from the ground up and create a workforce that can live and thrive in the Charleston Metro region.”

Leading into the new school year, the Career & Education Coalition Kickoff will provide the first opportunity for educators and business leaders to connect and learn about the coalition’s mission and goals, along with beginning the process of connecting two groups vital to an impactful talent pipeline. Vernon spoke to the importance of these partnerships. “When we work in partnership across the region, we can better prepare our students to find success and fulfillment in the top industries that call the Charleston area home. This is a chance for business and industry to get directly in front of teachers and students, influencing how students experience Career and Technical Education by contributing to curriculum development, facilitating work-based learning experiences, and providing direction on the skills and experiences needed to be successful not only in these industries in general but with the vast array of businesses right here in the Lowcountry, whether that is a smaller, family-owned and operated company or a larger corporation with international reach”.

Businesses of all sizes are invited to attend the kickoff and encouraged to get engaged with the opportunity to help shape the future of Charleston’s workforce. “Our area has an abundance of opportunities for our emerging workforce and the Career & Education Coalition is primed to make the most of these resources.”

To register, at no cost, for the Education & Career Coalition Kickoff, visit https://www.charlestonchamber.org/event/career-education-coalition-kickoff/.

Have questions about the Education & Career Coalition, contact Olivia Vernon at overnon@charleston

Posted on
August 30th 2023
Written by
Justin Allen