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People First: Affordable, High-Quality Childcare
LEGACY FOR 2040: Parents don’t have to choose between participating in the economy and providing childcare. Young families rate high-quality childcare services at reasonable costs as a top attractor to the region.

Parents are struggling to find quality childcare centers with available space and often deal with lengthy waitlists. Even when a spot is secured, families may not be able to afford the rising costs and are left to weigh the options of working or having to stay home. For single-parent homes, this becomes even more of a burden.

This is not simply a family issue. If parents cannot find or afford childcare, they are often not able to return to the workforce. Given our region's workforce needs, we need to ensure every individual who wants to be part of the workforce can, regardless of their family situation.

In collaboration with community partners, the Chamber will work to endorse legislation, track progress and foster action between public and private entities to create more quality childcare solutions.

Why It's Important:
Increased workforce participation
The healthy development of our youngest learners and future leaders
Promotes family self-sufficiency

Meet Amanda & Anthony Anduiza

Anthony and Amanda, devoted parents to two young boys, want to provide the best opportunities for their children while also advancing their careers. However, as a dual-income household, they grapple with the substantial financial burden imposed by childcare expenses in our region, a staggering 20% ​​of their income (with 7% considered affordable).

Their journey into parenthood was marked by the daunting realization of the challenges surrounding childcare. Faced with the decision of whether both parents could continue working or if childcare was an option, the Anduizas encountered endless waitlists, some stretching over a year, each requiring nonrefundable deposits.

While fortunate to secure a spot in a newly-opened center, they witnessed many young families forced to choose between a parent staying a home or splitting their children between different facilities due to the scarcity of available slots.

The lack of quality childcare is a significant obstacle to workforce participation, disproportionately affecting women, but also impacts family planning decisions. Like the Anduiza family, many are forced to forgo expanding their families due to the exorbitant costs associated with childcare.

Help Shape the Legacy of Our Region



Community Partners Promoting Solutions

Coalitions of community partners are actively promoting solutions to the childcare and development challenge, including the talent pipeline.

Advancements Through Legislation

As a result of comprehensive state legislation previously adopted, significantly more quality childcare opportunities exist throughout the region.

Meeting the Demand

An adequate supply of childcare facilities exist in the region to serve all families seeking such services.

Childcare is the Attraction

Parents don’t have to choose between participating in the economy and providing childcare. Families rate high-quality childcare services at reasonable costs as a top attractor to the region.

Shaping the Legacy for 2040

The Chamber will serve as the catalytic leader to empower positive, future-focused change. People First is a collaborative, community-focused and data-led movement developed through visioning sessions with community leaders. Together, we will generate viable outcomes to ensure everyone in our region has the opportunity to thrive.

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